joi, 3 iulie 2014



1. Eşti integru, n-am ce spune
Cu-asta ţi-ai făcut un nume
Incoruptibil, legal
Cinstit, onest şi leal

2. Cui crezi tu, loial îi eşti
Nicidecum nu te fereşti
Corect, de bună-credinţă
Şi o faci cu iscusinţă

3. Pentru asta, eşti urât
De mulţi fraieri ce fac gât
Însă tu-i vei face zob
Pentru că eşti un om prob

Copyright © 05.02.2014-7 by Yo-nutz.
All rights reserved. No part of this poem may be reproduced, displayed, copied, modified, adapted, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, public performance, broadcasting or other electronic or mechanical methods or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent of the author.
Made in Romania.

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