sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2019

Miss B.

Miss B.

1. Since you were a little girl
You were an unfinished pearl
A few guys they tried their luck
They wanted for you to... fuck

2. But you were... hmm... underage
Would've send them in a cage
Time just passed... you turned eighteen
All the guys balls were so green

3. All you do now... spread your legs
Putting there two or... four eggs
And I don't understand why
They don't cum right in your eye

4. 'Cos you know... all mighty sperm
Has vitamins, not one germ
Your body, it's very nice
Looks like you eat only rice

5. I've seen you haven't been blessed
With titties, hooters or breast
Now don't try to be a hero
Let's just face it... almost zero

6. One thing that's a little quirky
You're so smart just like a turkey
Your lips are just like a duck
That's because you like to suck

7. You're upset? Think I'm a foe?
Come here please for just one blow
All I said above... is fake
You're a fucking chocolate cake!

Copyright © 26.06.2019 by Yo-nutz.
All rights reserved. No part of this poem may be reproduced, displayed, copied, modified, adapted, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, public performance, broadcasting or other electronic or mechanical methods or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent of the author.
Made in Romania.

joi, 27 iunie 2019



1. Cu ochii înlăcrimaţi
Stă cu capul pe pervaz
Ochelarii-s cam uzaţi
Şi oftează de necaz

2. Se tot uită pe fereastră
Şi cam trist el se gândeşte
C-a lui dragoste măiastră
Dintre braţe îi lipseşte

3. Şi în zări îndepărtate
Gândul tulbure îi zboară
N-are nicio noutate
Ziua se transformă-n seară

4. Căci aşteaptă înfocat
Să se întoarcă iubirea
Gâtul îi este uscat
Îl zdrobeşte despărţirea

5. Însă... la un moment dat
Doamne, secundă divină
Soneria a sunat
Şi durerea îi alină

6. Aleargă ca un nebun
Uşa el ca să deschidă
Inima... nu vă mai spun
E ca tauru-n coridă

7. Aşteptarea s-a sfârşit
Cu drag ei se ţin de mână
„Iubire, tu ai slăbit!”
„Nu mănânc de-o săptămână!”

8. Emoţia revederii
Pe amândoi îi doboară
Se îmbrăţişează-n serii
Inima le e uşoară

9. De nimic nu le mai pasă
Vor duce o viaţă bună
Vor să cumpere şi-o casă
Vor plăti rată pe lună

10. Viaţa merge înainte
Cei doi acum s-au calmat
Iubirea n-are cuvinte
De la băiat la... băiat!

Copyright © 28.12.2018 by Yo-nutz.
All rights reserved. No part of this poem may be reproduced, displayed, copied, modified, adapted, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, public performance, broadcasting or other electronic or mechanical methods or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent of the author.
Made in Romania.