vineri, 30 septembrie 2011

I'm Fine Inside

Una din melodiile mele preferate este de pe albumul solo în engleză a solistului de la Roxette, Per Gessle, album intitulat „Gessle – The World According To Gessle”.

Un album demenţial, exact stilul meu, melodii ritmate, puternice, care sună bine şi poţi să le dai la maxim ca să dinamitezi toţi vecinii din bloc! :)

Un album de unde mi-am luat eu citatul preferat!

Un album care conţine melodia mea preferată care, culmea, nu e o melodie ritmată, e o baladă numită „I’ll Be Alright”.

Nu mai ştiu cu ce ocazie am făcut parodia asta, însă eram probabil influenţat de celebrele desene Tom & Jerry!

Am să pun mai jos atât parodia, cât şi textul în original.

I'm Fine Inside
(Jerry's Final Statement)

If you ever catch me
Me, a mouse coloured brown
If you ever trap me
Make it sure I'll stay around

I'm fine inside
Just keep those cats outta my life
'Cos a cage like this is very hard to find
So, I will be just fine inside

Keep me in, please do it
Being safe's the greatest thing
'Cos all those chases tired me
Now I'm fine, I feel a king

I'm fine inside
I've had great chases in my life
But now, you know, it's time to sit and cry
Then I'll escape and... back to life

Time is passing, kitty
I don't know what next day brings
I'm getting older, pussy
But I don't regret a thing

I'm fine inside
Tomorrow maybe I'll be caught and die
But it's OK, I had a marvelous life
And now I'm just fine inside
Two days from now I'll probably die
There's no regret, 'cos I have lived my life
I wanna say to you... GOOD-BYE!

© Copyright 1998 by Yo-nutz.
All rights of the producer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved.
Unauthorized copying, hiring, renting, public performance and broadcasting of this poem prohibited.
Made in Romania.

I’ll Be Alright

If you ever leave me,
If you ever let me down
If you ever tell me
You don’t want my love around

I’ll be alright
You gave me the best years of my life
And a girl like you is very hard to find
So everything will be alright

People change, I know it
It’s a most natural thing
And if you want to show it
You don’t owe me anything

I’ll be alright
I had the moments of my life
All I need is a little time to cry
Then everything will be alright

Take it easy, baby
I wouldn’t change a thing
After all, honey
I don’t regret anything

I’ll be alright
You gave me the finest things in life
And a love like that is very hard to find
So everything will be alright
You gave me the best years of my life
A love like that is very hard to find
So everything will be alright

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